Wrapped Up In Books

My musings on what I've read since January 2006.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

The Invention of Hugo Chabret - Brian Selznick

I've never before read a 550 page novel in a single sitting, but this was something of a cheat as it is a story largely told in picture form. The pictures are beautifully rendered pencil sketches (plus the odd photograph), telling the two linked stories of Hugo's life and that of a great figure of cinema history.

It's a wonderful read, simple in a good way and emotionally satisfying.

My motivation for reading what is essentially a Young Adult title was having enjoyed the Scorsese movie so much. I was impressed at how smart the adaptation is, tweaking the story slightly where necessary but generally being faithful to both plot and tone. The big differences are in the setting, which is far more promninent in the film, and the fleshing out of some minor characters, particularly the station manager.


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