Wrapped Up In Books

My musings on what I've read since January 2006.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Peter Jackson; A Film-Maker's Journey - Brian Sibley

I don't really read authorised biographies, but this was a gift so I gave it a go.

It's a very interesting story not very well told. It was probably rushed into production because there is some really shoddy writing and editing on display. However, Jackson is an unusual figure and this book does answer the key question: How the hell did he get the "Lord of the Rings" gig?


Blogger Brian Sibley said...

Thanks for mention - sorry about the shoddy writing! :-)

11:56 PM  
Blogger Tom Goodfellow said...

Oh, crikey. Did I say shoddy? I meant, er, fantastic.

I feel mean now, what a thing to say about such an obviously good-natured bloke. Good on you, Brian, for your gallant response.

2:04 AM  
Blogger Brian Sibley said...

Cheers for the follow-up on your Main Blog (but why can't I leave a comment there - or have you suddenly getting cautious?!); anyway, a bit more background on the book...

It wasn't really "rushed into production", in fact I was working on it for almost five years - the book got delayed for three of those five while we were waiting for PJ to escape the grip of Sauron's forces and then King Kong and find the time to find the images - however, when they finally came through the book did get rather pushed through the system - obviously (as you and others) have noted at the expense of adequate proof-reading...

If you can recall any editing howlers (there's not much I can do about the shoddy writing!!! Apart from getting cutting back on the proliferation of exclamation marks!!!!) I'd be very grateful for a heads-up before the paperback edition goes out...

By the way, Tom (good fellow by name and nature), you say "gallant"?? Why not? I've spent a many years reviewing books and films and you have to speak as you find. Truth is All --- and gallantry often minimises the chances of a second punch!! ;-)

12:11 AM  

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